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Benefits of computer networks


Benefits for users of computer networks 

Resource sharing

Benefits for users of computer networks can be grouped into two categories, namely: for the needs of the company, and the network to the public. The main purpose of the establishment of a network in a company are :
  • Resource sharing is intended to make the entire program,equipment, in particular data can be used by anyone who is on the network.
  • Saving Money (Saving money / budget): The device and the data can be shared will make substantial budget savings, because it does not need to buy new devices to be installed in each and everyunit of computer

High reliability

Integrated Management Information System Office or the One-Stop Service System with client-servertechnology, Internet and intranet can be applied to computer networks, so it can provide a reliable, fast and accurate according to the needs and expectations.

The benefits of computer networks to the public.

Network computers will provide different services to users in homes compared with the services provided to the company. There are three things that form the main attraction at the individual computer networks are:
  • Access to information residing in other places (such as access tothe latest news, info e-government, e-commerce or e-business,everything is up to date).
  • Person to person communication (like e-mail, chat, videoconferene etc.).
  • Interactive entertainment (like watching tv shows on-line, radiostreaming, downloading movies or songs, etc.).

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